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Sunday, February 8, 2009

A-Team Week 4 Results!

Well A-Team, we managed to beat 41.6 lbs off of our team this week! That's awesome you guys!!! That's a team percentage lost of 0.28% for Week 4 and a total team percentage lost of 2.37%! We are getting there!!!

And our biggest contributor to our team's success this week is Cadee having lost 5.8 lbs since she last weighed-in which is a total percentage of body lost of 3.24%
Our second place biggest loser of the week is Diana who lost 5 lbs and 3.07% of her total body!

And Julie W kicked some major ass this week too losing 4.2 lbs and 1.89% of her total body!

That THAT Team LEAN!! :-P


Tanya said...

Awesome job A-Team... and "winning" the weigh-in again this week.

Watch out team Lynn because my newly joined weight watchers butt is coming after you this week!

IdaR said...

Awesome A-Team, and awesome Lean Team. That's a lot of pounds gone for good!!!!!


Shari said...

What a great week and another win!!! Congrats to Cadee, Dianna and Julie W!!