Week 5 already, WOW this is certainly going by quickly! This week as a team we lost 20.4 lbs which is a loss of 0.12% of our total body weight. 394.9 lbs in total since the challenge started!! That's the weight of almost 3 people!!!
Please help me congratulate Amy Y - Way To Go, who is our Biggest Loser of the Week!! Amy lost 5.4 lbs which is 2.88% of her total body weight!
In second, we have Laura F - Journey To Goal, who lost 4.4 lbs this week,which is 2.13% of her total body weight.
And last but not least, third place goes to Hotch P - The Hotch Potchery, who was down 4.6lbs, which is 1.73% of her total body weight.
out of the loop
16 years ago
I lost 2 lbs!
*Victory dance*
Good job team :D
Go team lean!
i'm getting awfully tired of being the one dragging the team down.
THAT is my motivation this week!
ummm.I'm on Team Lean and I think I might have missed once in emailing my weigh ins but I emailed my weight last week but,I don't see me anywhere on the little thingie for how much you have lost or whatever? Did I get kicked out for some reason?
I'm just warming up here????
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