Danee has kicked butt at this challenge, losing an incrediable 44 lbs over the past 16 weeks. That is 17.46% of her total body weight! Danee, you are an inspiration to all of us!! Go over and congratulate her now!! (Danee, Angie has kindly listed your prizes and one of us will be in touch with you to discuss the details!)
I also want to mention that as a team we lost a total of 638.3 lbs, which is 3.73% of our total start weight! WOW!! We rocked this challenge!! I hope you're all proud of yourselves because I sure am!
Thank you to everyone who stayed with it until the end, I wish you all continued success in your journeys! Also, huge thank you to everyone that has donated prizes to our Winner!!

Congrats to the biggest loser from Team Lean! :)
Is there going to be a BL 3 by any chance??? I would love to sign up:)
me too.. I would love to sign up too :) let me know.. thanks
me 3!! I also want to sign up.. CONGRATS TO THE WINNER!
I will also congrats to the biggest loser team....They help to loose weight and I also congrats to Danee who loose our weight...If U get more information then Download The Biggest Loser show and get it...
I like this show very much....This show is fabulous and fantastic...I also would congrats to biggest loser team who helps to loose weight.....This show is mind blowing...I love it...
Watch The Biggest Loser show Online..
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